Tuesday 30 June 2015

World Economic Forum (WEF) issue research report on Fintech sector - “The Future of Financial Services” on 30 June 2015.

The World Economic Forum (WEF), the Swiss-based corporate think-tank which runs the Davos summit of world leaders each January, issued a research report titled “the Future of Financial Services” on 30 June 2015.

The WEF report says major disruptions are in store for many once highly profitable financial services businesses and that the world's top banks and insurers are being forced to review their business models amid rapid inroads by nimble "fintech" start-ups, which are reshaping what consumers and businesses expect out of financial services.   The research study, based on 15 months of interviews and workshops with executives from financial institutions and fintech start-ups, joins a flood of recent reports showing technology is eroding the bulwarks of the financial services industry just as it did in areas such as travel and entertainment a decade ago. 

Rapidly advancing technologies, evolving customer expectations and a changing regulatory landscape are opening doors to disruptive innovation in financial services. From crypto-currencies to big data to peer-to-peer lending, fintech innovations have captured the attention and imagination of customers, investors and incumbents.

However, the nature and extent of the impact that these innovations will have on the financial services industry remains unclear. This document captures the results of a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues that explored the potential for these innovations to transform the financial ecosystem as well as the risks and opportunities that could emerge from changes in the way financial services are structured, delivered and consumed in the future in the future.

In investment management for instance, so-called "robo-advisors" have begun to automate wealth advisory functions, calling into question face-to-face relationships and proprietary distribution channels.
Fintech companies are deploying online platforms, have small capital bases and make strategic use of data to acquire customers and revenues at a fast pace,

Rising investments in fintech start-ups globally are helping fuel the challenge to entrenched players, with $12.2 billion ploughed into the fintech sector last year, more than threefold the total of 2013, the report noted.
Bankers who once thought financial regulation was a barrier to new entrants are seeing non-bank fintech rivals go after the most profitable areas of their business, while avoiding regulated markets.  

Meanwhile the plethora of lending platforms will likely make it harder for banks and credit scoring companies to get an accurate view of people's creditworthiness.
You can read a short executive summary here :

You can download the full report here.